Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Checking In... DAY 10 (1/10/11)

It’s DAY 10 of my new “My Food Evolution: Going Vegan” blog experiment. I’m getting pretty good at remembering to document what I eat, but it certainly hasn’t made me much more mindful of what I’m consuming lately.

The first part of this new year has been a bit unusual food-wise. I didn’t have much of an appetite for a while because my AGNI (digestive fire) has been low and digestion slow. I saw my ayurvedic doctor Paul Dugliss ( to try to get that back in balance when I arrived in Michigan in late December... I’m working on it. Also I spent the last few weeks in Detroit, which meant I was staying with my parents AND out of my routine AND the climate was a lot different than Kauai AND of course not a lot of fresh local seasonal produce is available this time of year. So, I’ve been eating differently and quite a bit less than I usually do, often sleeping late since I’m not teaching while I’m here, practicing yoga on my own or with my dear teacher and friend Matthew Darling at Ashtanga Michigan (, visiting with friends and family and meditating a lot. Nice!

So now I’m back on Kauai and I’ll get back into a routine. My schedule is basically: rise around 4:30am, have tea and journal for a few minutes, do my ashtanga yoga practice from about 5-6:45am, shower and eat something, head out to the shala by 7:15. My partner Eagle and I teach Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga at Pineapple Yoga ( from 7:30-9:30ish 6 mornings a week. We’re usually home by 10 or so, then I make lunch and eat sometime between 10:30-11:30. Afternoons are generally free for reading, writing, meditating, studying, snacking, emailing, phone calling, blogging, beaching, napping, gardening, shopping, errand running, wandering around the property where I live to pick fruit or visit the goat and whatever else comes up. I try to make dinner at night by 5 or 6... and never get it done quite as early as I’d like! Then there’s a little chill time and it’s early to bed for good (and bad) little ashtangis.

Here goes another week... looking forward to warm island weather and fresh, local organic food! Aloha and let’s eat :)

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