Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15th - Happy Full Moon!

Fresh local organic pineapple, coconut, lilikoi and mint from my garden, so beautiful!

I add some frozen bananas to all that beautiful fresh fruit and blend it up with a little spirulina... Now THAT'S breakfast!

A little Coronita n lime. (Doesn’t that lime look like a heart? I see them everywhere these days!) Happy full moon day!

2:49 pm
Dulse. Gotta get my iodine!

I spend the afternoon making a variety of small, simple dishes. Fresh red beets with crunchy apples, raw walnuts and garden parsley. Extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sea salt and cracked black pepper.

Simple sweet golden beets fresh from a friend's garden with sea salt, coconut vinegar, lots of garden fresh dill and a sprinkling of raw sunflower seeds.

Tender arugula salad with lots of bean & lentil sprouts, a little extra virgin olive oil, a splash of nama shoyu and sprinkling of seaweed gomasio.

Garden fresh cucumber and basil with local red tomatoes.

3:31 pm
I also make a nice hummus out of dried chickpeas, sea salt, a clove of garlic, fresh lime juice, chipotle, sesame paste, extra virgin olive oil and a dash of cayenne. Add some ciabatta from the Kilauea Bakery and that's a feast!

Kevin, who works on the land here, gifted us an awesome new composter! Here’s the first batch of beautiful food scraps to start it off... Thank you Kevin!!!

Dessert! Eagle surprises me with a big spoonful of creamy peanut butter and sweet cherry jam, then I add another treat: a raw maca chocolate truffle bar :)


  1. can't have seeds or nuts (or cold food) but the rest looks scrumptious!!
