Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Protein Question

Today as I’m enjoying my pretty standard lunch of an organic tortilla wrap filled with whatever greens, grains, seeds and beans I happen to have around, I began to wonder, “How much protein am I getting in an average sandwich like this?”

I don’t generally worry about my protein intake. I eat a varied diet of fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole grains, beans, lentils, seeds, nuts, healthy oils and some tofu and tempeh, (balanced with a little processed vegan junk food and some chocolate, of course) and feel fairly confident that I’m getting enough protein without really trying. Still, this is a very common question, one of the first that come up when non-veg people hear I’m vegan. (“But what do you do for protein? Are you sure you’re getting enough? Oh I could never do that; I need my protein!” Etc...)

So I’m eyeing the sandwich I quickly threw together with the main motivation of feeding my hungry face asap and the secondary motivation of cleaning out the fridge and cabinets since I don’t like to have foodstuff sitting around for long, and I’m feeling curious about this protein question, and I decide to add it all up.

Guess what?

It’s a freakin protein-palooza in here! That’s right folks, there’s a protein party going on in my vegan belly. (As for fresh greens in this meal, that's a different story... but the next big farmers' market stockup comes later this afternoon.)

Take a look:

1 organic whole wheat & spinach tortilla wrap = 6g
1/2 cup organic short grain brown rice = 6g
1/8 cup organic raw pumpkin seeds = 4g
1/2 cup organic black lentils = 10g
1.5 tbsp nutritional yeast = 8g
1/2 medium organic avocado = 3g
2 tbsp organic hemp seeds = 11g
1/2 scoop organic chia seeds = 1.5g
handful organic raw lentil & bean sprouts = 2g
lots of fresh local organic dill
organic extra virgin olive oil
sea salt

Total protein in my simple sandwich = 51.5 grams, without even trying!

I decide to research a little further and look up the RDA for protein. I find the average recommendation is around 46-50g a day for an adult female and 56-63g for an adult male. Further research shows that I can calculate my suggested protein intake more precisely using my weight: if I figure 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (a formula that may provide adequate protein for 98% of all people) I would need 40g of protein a day; at 0.6g per kilogram (a formula which may cover average protein needs) I would need 30g a day. Whichever way I choose to look at it, my lunch just provided all the protein I need for today!

Next time someone acts shocked that I can live without eating animal products and worried about the protein intake on a vegan diet, I’ll have some interesting information to share :)

(The information provided here is based on my own simple research and opinion; I’m not a nutritionist or food/diet expert. Just sayin’.)

Lunch (2/9/11 12:07 PM)

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